What is your favorite piercing jewelry helix piercing/cartilage piercing?

Helix piercing jewelry refers to adornments specifically designed for the upper ear’s cartilage. These pieces vary in style, material, and design to suit individual preferences.

Helix piercings have surged in popularity, evolving into a trendy form of self-expression. Stylish and versatile, helix jewelry ranges from simple studs to elaborate hoops and can be made of materials such as gold, surgical steel, and titanium to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or infection.

Manufacturers cater to an eclectic audience, ensuring that there’s a piece of helix jewelry to match any personal style or occasion. Selecting the right jewelry is key to both comfort and healing, with options that include internally threaded pieces known for their ease of use and safety. As customers chase the perfect accessory to adorn their helix piercings, they find an ever-expanding market of unique and chic options.


What Gauge Size Is The Jewelry That Blue Banana Uses For Their Helix Piercings?

Blue Banana typically adorns their helix piercings with jewelry in the 1. 2mm thickness range. This 16 gauge size strikes a balance between comfort and style, perfect for helix adornments.


helix piercing jewelry


Understanding Helix Piercing Gauge Sizes

Discovering the perfect jewelry for a helix piercing adds charm to one’s personal style. When delving into the variety available at Blue Banana, it’s crucial to comprehend the gauge size—a pivotal detail—in order to secure a perfect fit and optimal comfort for your ear.

Gauge Size Used By Blue Banana

Blue Banana is known for its precise standards within the piercing industry, especially when it comes to the thickness of the jewelry—referred to as the gauge size. This specific measurement plays a vital role in ensuring the piercing heals comfortably and adheres to the desired aesthetic.

The standard gauge size Blue Banana uses for helix piercings is:

  • 16 Gauge (1.2mm): This is the typical size for initial piercings, optimizing healing and allowing for a versatile range of jewelry options once healed.

Remember, choosing the correct gauge is as significant as selecting the style, as it contributes to the overall health and appearance of your piercing. Always consult with a professional if you’re unsure about the appropriate size for your helix piercing.

Do I Have To Change My Piercing Jewelry (e.g., For Helix), Or Can I Keep It?

Helix piercing jewelry offers versatility and a personal flair to your style. You can keep your original piece or switch it for a fresh look; the choice reflects your fashion sense and comfort.

Do I Have To Change My Helix Piercing Jewelry?

Deciding whether to change your helix piercing jewelry can be both an aesthetic choice and a health consideration. Your personal style preferences, comfort needs, and the healing stage of your piercing play significant roles in this decision.

Factors Influencing Jewelry Change

  • Healing period: Right after piercing, your skin needs time to heal. During this phase, it’s not recommended to change your jewelry frequently, as it can cause irritation and delay healing.
  • Comfort and fit: As swelling subsides, the initial jewelry might feel too loose. You might need to switch to a better fitting piece to ensure comfort and to prevent the jewelry from snagging on clothing or hair.
  • Material sensitivity: If signs of an allergic reaction or sensitivity are noticeable, consider swapping out your metal jewelry for hypoallergenic options like titanium or surgical steel.
  • Style update: Once healed, you may want to change the jewelry to match your personal style, the occasion, or simply for a fresh look.

When Is It Safe To Change Jewelry?

It’s generally safe to change your helix piercing jewelry once the initial healing process is complete. This period can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Recognizing the signs of a well-healed piercing will guide you:

  • No tenderness: The area around the piercing is free from pain when touched.
  • Absence of swelling: The initial swelling has subsided fully.
  • No discharge: There is no presence of pus or unusual discharge from the piercing.

Remember, keeping the piercing clean and consulting with a piercing professional before changing jewelry are crucial to maintaining piercing health. Always opt for quality materials and consider visiting a piercing studio for your first jewelry change to ensure it’s done safely and correctly.


helix piercing jewelry


What Size Jewelry Do You Need For A Helix Piercing?

Selecting the appropriate jewelry for your helix piercing ensures comfort and style. Typically, a gauge size ranging from 18 to 14 is ideal, with a barbell or hoop diameter of 1/4″ to 5/16″ for a snug fit.

Selecting the perfect size for your helix piercing jewelry is like finding the right pair of shoes – crucial for comfort and style. The fit of your jewelry has a big impact on both the healing process and how the piercing looks once it’s healed.

But, as you embark on the quest for the ideal piece, what factors should you consider?

Helix Piercing Jewelry Gauge

The thickness of the jewelry you choose for your helix piercing is paramount for a good fit. This dimension is known as the ‘gauge. ‘

  • Standard Gauge Sizes: The typical gauge size for helix piercings ranges from 18G to 14G, with 16G being the most common.
  • Thinner Options: Those who prefer a subtler look might opt for a 20G, which is slightly finer.
  • Heavier Alternatives: Conversely, for a bolder statement, some jewelry may come in sizes like 12G or even 10G, but these are less common for initial piercings.

Remember, the gauge size you pick isn’t just about appearance; it influences how easily your piercing heals and maintains its shape.

Diameter Or Length Of Helix Jewelry

Just as with the thickness, the span of your helix jewelry is key to ensuring a snug, appealing fit.

For hoops and rings:

  • Comfortable Fit: Opt for a hoop with sufficient diameter so it doesn’t pinch or constrict the piercing site – around 5/16″ (8mm) to 3/8″ (10mm) is generally comfy.
  • Personal Preference: Some may prefer a tighter hoop that hugs the ear more closely, while others like a larger hoop that gives a more pronounced circular silhouette.

When selecting barbells or studs:

  • Barbell Length: The typical length for these items is about 1/4″ (6mm) to 3/8″ (10mm), with variations to accommodate different ear thicknesses.
  • Swelling Consideration: It’s wise to go slightly longer for the initial piercing to make room for any swelling that occurs.

Every ear is unique, so what’s perfect for one person’s helix piercing may differ for another. Encourage measuring your ear or consulting with a professional to find the size that not only looks fantastic but also allows for comfortable healing.


Exploring the realm of helix piercing jewelry opens up a universe of style and expression. Embrace the journey to find that perfect piece. Your ideal adornment awaits, uniquely crafted to enhance your personal flair. Remember to prioritize quality and comfort alongside beauty.

Embark on this fashion quest with confidence, and let your helix sparkle like never before.

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